DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY The copyright for the information about AEBCON published on this web site is solely the property of Dr. el-Hawari (Author). Copying or use of this information without the express permission of the Author is prohibited. The author reserves the right to change, extend or delete content of the web site without further notice, or to remove the information completely. The Author assumes no liability for topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. No claims for liability will be accepted against the Author resulting from use of the information on this web site, insofar as no gross negligence or premeditation on the part of the Author can be shown. The Author is not responsible for links to information outside of the web site which are not within his area of responsibility. At the time of the preparation of the links, the linked pages were checked and found to be free of illegal content. Since the Author has no influence on the content of such pages, we specifically reject any connection to such material having been changed after the link was initially created. This is valid for all links on this web site and for entries in the Guest Book, discussion forums, and mailing lists. Only the author of such external web sites can be held liable for damage resulting from information found there. Insofar as parts or certain formulations of this text do not satisfy, or not longer satisfy or do not completely satisfy legal requirements, the remaining parts of this disclaimer will remain valid. |